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Neurodiversity 101 Training On-Demand

a group of people standing in front of a yellow wall holding a rainbow flag


Neurodiversity 101 is a self-paced online on-demand training for mental health professionals and students. In this training you'll learn - - Neurodiversity definitions and history of the movement, including the social disability model - Cultural competency when working with ADHD, Autistic, and Highly Sensitive (HSP) clients - Misdiagnosis issues/overlaps for ADHD, ASD, PSTD, Social Anxiety - Polyvagal theory's five stages of fight/flight/freeze responses and how these are responsible for the majority of issues NDs struggle with - Learn how to dismantle ableism and be more inclusive - Understand what it means to be neurodiversity-affirming in your work A full description is available on our Training for Individuals page. Our trainings are endorsed by the NASW Colorado chapter for two CEUs. Please check with your state licensing board as we cannot guarantee credits depending on your license and state.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


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